Link The Call from the West: Time is more than money; it is directly related to our next life

Friday, February 29, 2008

Time is more than money; it is directly related to our next life

Living in Western capitalistic so-called democracies, such as in America, is indeed a challenge to any Muslim who is concerned about the Akhirah (next life and his skin on the Day of Judgment). This is because we are constantly pushed by these societies to run after our livelihood, to not remember our creation and Creator, to spend our life in sport in play, and to worry about the trivial and neglect the serious issues. Many people we know, both Muslim and non-Muslim, work more than one job and certainly almost everyone is working overtime. Many of us do this not in order to own a large house or a fancy car, but simply to meet ends meat—to survive. It is ironic in a land of opportunity we are working more, but not getting richer, just maintaining ourselves. The rich in fact are the only ones who get richer. If work does not distract us from what is important—the next life—then sport and play in the “free world” certainly will get us. The society we life in is full of distractions—probably none bigger than the television programming we are constantly bombarded with. Whether it is the sporting events or sit-coms, our TVs are filled with trivial idle programming. The American culture is full of time wasting hobbies that produce no positive change in spiritual or even material lives. People spend millions of dollars to pacify their sense of worthlessness ,boredom, poverty, and many other social problems. When life has become too stressful or mundane, we have been taught to spend our time in self-pleasure and just to forget about our realities. This is reflected in our conversations with co-workers, fellow students, friends, and even family. The topics we hear being discussed usually are geared around something trivial and fruitless—or what some call lighthearted or free-spirited. This is all in spite of conditions in our communities that are deplorable. The lack of good jobs, the infection of liquor stores and crack houses, the systematic oppressive racial segregation are issues people should be concerned about—and thus should take serious. Being serious about serious issues, life, death, hell fire or bliss deserves our seriousness, and I would say this should be an attribute of any serious Muslim. Allah says in Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Hour):

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

الْقَارِعَةُ {1}

[101:1] The terrible calamity!

مَا الْقَارِعَةُ {2}

[Shakir 101:2] What is the terrible calamity!

وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْقَارِعَةُ {3}

[101:3] And what will make you comprehend what the terrible calamity is?

يَوْمَ يَكُونُ النَّاسُ كَالْفَرَاشِ الْمَبْثُوثِ {4}

[101:4] The day on which men shall be as scattered moths,

وَتَكُونُ الْجِبَالُ كَالْعِهْنِ الْمَنفُوشِ {5}

[101:5] And the mountains shall be as loosened wool.

فَأَمَّا مَن ثَقُلَتْ مَوَازِينُهُ {6}

[101:6] Then as for him whose measure of good deeds is heavy,

فَهُوَ فِي عِيشَةٍ رَّاضِيَةٍ {7}

[101:7] He shall live a pleasant life.

وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَفَّتْ مَوَازِينُهُ {8}

[101:8] And as for him whose measure of good deeds is light,

فَأُمُّهُ هَاوِيَةٌ {9}

[101:9] His abode shall be the abyss.

وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا هِيَهْ {10}

[101:10] And what will make you know what it is?

نَارٌ حَامِيَةٌ {11}

[101:11] A burning fire.

This Surah should make us cry and push us to be aware of the conflict that we face in America to hold on to our Deen. We do not hate Americans who are programmed and socialized to be this way. We do hate how the capitalists have profited in taking humanity away from their Rabb or Lord and towards the Narr, including us as Muslims. We unfortunately live in a society that in many ways is opposite to our values as Muslims. However, this is what the western media and culture pushes its inhabitants towards on a daily basis. It diverts us from what is the objective of this life. It steals our spirituality, or connection with what our Creator wants from us. The western corporations push this on us in order to make a profit and in order to keep its citizens asleep. The challenge for us is to turn away from that which diverts us and toward that which Allah has prescribed as good, which is living in an Islaamic system that is consistent with our values. We can only do this by following all what He (suhabanwa’ala) has told us to do in the Qur’an. We should never ignore the Fardh or obligatory in Islaam for the trivial; for the price is a serve one, which we pray no Muslim will every have to face—including ourselves. Dear Muslims, there are many good deed to be done in these times to avoid the wrath of Allah, such as standing up for Islaam, working to We can start by taking our creation, The Creator, and his deen and the condition of our Ummah serious. Will not we take heed, turn our faces toward Allah, and submit, as we should?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very heartfelt article. Jazak Allah khair for the reminder...