Link The Call from the West: Human Justice

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Human Justice

Human beings behave unjustly because of incorrect concepts about life. Some view non-white as less than white, so when thousands of Arabs were arrested and thrown in jail after September 11th, there was no out cry. When black youth are targeted and beaten by the police, its acceptable, for the police officer was only serving and protecting his self. Some have concepts that women are only for sexual pleasures, nothing more, so when the boy gets the girl pregnant he runs away from the responsibility because he only wanted to play her like he played with his playstation game. Some view the life of an American as more important than one of a non-American. So there is a problem when one American reporter is killed, but none when thousands of Afghanis are blown the pieces by American collateral damage.

Social injustice comes from the concepts in society and the system being implemented on society. A comprehensive idea is called an Ideology. The social system stems from its Ideology. This country we live in boasts an ideology of capitalism/democracy, a man made ideology, that gives the rule to the people. On the surface this might seem fair, but in reality only benefits a few. To understand this fact, just look at the wealth distribution in America.

America says in God we trust, but in which god? America says all men are created equal, but if you are rich you are somehow more privileged to preferential treatment. Despite of these realities of the American empire, the people are fooled into thinking that they call the shots; I do not know when the last time you asked a homeless person how much input he feels he has in the system ruling him, or even the average working poor, they feel disenfranchised. The system implements its laws and conditions its people. If enough public opinion was created we one day might see the Muslims in concentration camps in America as the Japanese were in the 1940s. At one time this seemed a distant fantasy. However, after September 11, it is clear to see the Islamicphobia.

Now the question results: How can I threat a woman fairly when I am not a woman? How could I be equal to the poor when I am rich? How could I see the problems of the black when I am white? Even if I tried to come up with a system that could deal justly with all in human creation I would fail. This is because the human being is limited and subjective in its knowledge and thinking. Mankind could never give justice to itself without knowing all there is to know about itself. Since the human being can never know this on its own it needs help.

If the very roots of the system are imperfect and man made how could it ever provide social justice and solve the social problems of the world? We see the social injustice in the segregation of the white and black in the American society. What is the solution to social injustice? Islaam provides the solution to the human problem of injustice by giving the human being the correct view about where he came from, this life, and where he is going after this life.

Allah says in Surah Ar-Rahman ayat 3 “Khalaqal Insan.” “He Created Man.

Thus, if I am a white male who accepts Islaam as my worldview, I acknowledge that I am no better than the man of color, and that Allah subhanawata3ala created me! The Qur’an tells me that the best amongst mankind is the one who has Taqwah. The hadith tell me that the most worthy of good treatment is my mother, a woman. Islaam teaches me that the goal in life is the seek the pleasure of Allahsubhanawata3ala.

Islaam tells me that no matter where I am or what color I am, I am a part of this transnational Ummah. So When America bombs and kills innocent Muslims I feel this social injustice that is happening across the globe. I cry. I cannot sleep knowing my brothers and sisters are dying.
I feel the pain of the brother who is thrown in jail because he overstayed his visa. This is the correct view of social justice. Social justice comes from having the right concepts about life.

Allah says:

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah even as against yourselves or your parents or your kin and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts) lest ye swerve and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.” (Surah An-Nisaa ayat 135)

We as Muslims know that our concepts about life are correct because we have checked with the Creator, Al-Khaliq, to give us our world view. Once the Human being is convinced that Allah subhanawata3ala is the Creator he submits and accepts Al Qur’an and Sunnah as his concept giver and thus his guide on how to deal with the human being justly.

Islaam is a natural way of life because it deals with the human being as such and it comes from the One who created and thus knows the human beings needs and instincts the best.

'And perfect are the words of your Lord in truthfulness, and in justice; His words cannot be changed; He is the All-hearing, All-knowing' (al-An'am 6:116).

“Allah doth command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due; and when ye judge between man and man that ye judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching which He instructs you! Indeed Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.” (Surah An-Nisaa ayat 58)

Islaam comes from the perfect One Allah so Islaam naturally solves the problem of social injustice. The Prophet (Salalahu ‘alayhi was-salaam) explained to the Muslims when the first state was established in Medina what was brotherhood. He condemned a sahabah when he insulted Bilaal the Ethiopian slave for being the son of a black mother, right there on the spot. He did not wait on Bilaal to gain political power like in the so-called greatest country there ever was.

In short, Social Justice comes about when society is functioning the way the Perfect-All knowing One has said it should function.

Thus, if the Objective Lord of the Worlds says cover, I cover. Lower my gaze I lower it. Stay away from Zina, I stay Allah. Treat one another with respect based on Islaam, I do it.

How is social justice implemented? What is the Solution?

Social Justice cannot come without a mechanism to implement it. Social justice demands a just government that would implement its Just laws and systems. So we see when the first Islaamic State was established in Medina the people experienced a just social order. Social agents give concepts. The Family, friends, schools, and entire society breed concepts.Social justice needs the media, TV, schools, masjids, economic system, judicial system, etc. all working together to complement the world view about life. There can be no contradiction in a just society between its social, political, or economic system.

Once the human being accepts Islaam and its concepts about life Taqwah is formed and thus it forces the human being to consider his actions.

The only solution to the problem of social injustice is for human beings to live under the shade of what their Creator wants them to live by.

Allah says in Surah Al –A’araaf ayat 181:

“waminnan khalaqanaa Ummatuum yahduuna bil Haqqi wa bihi ya`diluun.”

“And among those We created is a community which guides by the truth and thereby establishes justice.”

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